Thursday, November 22, 2007

Good Old Boy #40

One tip for any aspiring candidate for election is that the more people you meet and talk to, the more likely you are to win.

Pregthwr sent me a copy of a survey done amongst Democrats in Iowa ahead of their primary caucus in early January. One of its questions was whether people had met and shaken hands with any of the candidates.

33% of Iowa Democrats claim to have shaken the hand of a presidential candidate, including a stunning 17% who say they have shaken Obama’s hand. There are about 526,000 registered democrats in Iowa.

So in other words, Obama has already met and shaken hands with 90,000 people in Iowa. Now that's local campaigning.


At 10:59 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a medical condition associated with this? Racket players have tennis elbow, runners have athlete's foot, perhaps Obama could coin politician's wrist?


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